Highlights for devs

Built for software

Collaborate on code with all the tools your software team needs for agile development .In one place - GIT, Time-Tracking, Chat, and more...

Close tasks with commit

Link a task to a commit or reference the task id from commit mesasge

Done with landing! Fix #OR134, Close #MRK42

Track time with commit message

SSO Integration #BKG342 +2h

Or just add a reference

Status screens progress #OR552

Immediately see new commits and diff

Track new commits across different branches in the commits sidebar. See the diff and changes directly in Ora without ever switching the app.

Self-hosted Gitlab support

Markdown & Code highlight

Work the way you are used to! Share snippets, discuss code and write it in Ora so that you can communicate something code related in the best possible way inside a task or in Ora Chat. Full markdown support in task description and markdown stripped of headings support in comments and chat messages.

List action automations

Setup list action automations to Move, Assign, Label, change the State of the Task, and more without a single mouse click.

Better bug reports with Image and Video annotations

Image, PDF and Video commenting right inside the task.

Record a video or your screen directly from Ora.

How teams use Ora for
Product development

Start from a template, super fast. Or create your own workflow.

  • Sprint Management

    Plan sprints, groom your backlog, estimate story points, create epics and track your teams progress in real time with sprint burndown and other live widgets

  • Product launches

    Launch new products and updates with ease by keeping all teams on the same page with all tasks and deadlines. Team workload and timeline will help you plan better. Checklist templates will help you copy long list of steps that need to get done before the big launch.

  • Collect User Feedback

    Collect and centralize user feedback so you can make better decisions, iterate faster and keep your entire team up to date with user request trends.

  • Bug Tracking

    File and track bugs so you can prioritize and everyone is knowing who is fixing what and by when. Immediately code review the fixes which show in the tasks thanks to GIT task referencing

  • Product Roadmaps

    Plan your product roadmap. Share it with your engineers or even your users by making it public, so everyone knows the direction you are headed.

  • Incoming Requests

    Streamline and standardize work requests by keeping them in a central place. Easily create tasks from chat message and prioritize requests to help your team build products faster.

Agile suite

done right.

Built-in epics, sprints, story points and reports.

Run sprints, a cycle or iteration of work separate from your backlog.
Estimate effort in story points, track velocity.
Know what type are your tasks, bug, feature or chore.
Break Epics (parent tasks) into subtasks.
Mark tasks as blocked and get notified when no longer blocked.
Track your velocity with a burn-down chart and reports